The adventures of two roaming Nebraska license plates.
Friday, January 05, 2007
Strolling along...
I was hanging out in the snow the other day when I met this lovely woman. We quickly became good friends often enjoying long walks together and whispering sweet nothings into each others ear. Take a good look, Jeff...maybe you know her.
Snow?? Damn, the Caribbean is the place to be bro!!
I do know someone that likes to take long hikes and photos in the woods...but let's see if I can use the clues from the last photo to guess the identity...
Let's see...
Wears only one glove... Hides the face... Has light skin...
I'm a Nebraska Cornhusker license plate. My owner Jeff travels so much I decided I should follow suit and see what all the fuss is about. So now I have abandoned his car and hit the road to see where life takes me.
Snow?? Damn, the Caribbean is the place to be bro!!
I do know someone that likes to take long hikes and photos in the woods...but let's see if I can use the clues from the last photo to guess the identity...
Let's see...
Wears only one glove...
Hides the face...
Has light skin...
Michael Jackson?
Actually, it's La Toya.
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