Thursday, December 14, 2006

I like Corn (it makes me a jolly good fellow)

If your not aware, we tend to be militant about our corn in Nebraska. If that's not bad enough, I've been reading about this Y2K stuff on the internet and frankly, I'm scared. So, I've holed up some of Nebraska's finest in Buford's Ye Ol' CentCom and we are not coming out until it's over.

Also, I need to ask a favor of you, dear Jeff. I've found this odd looking piece of corn here and I can't figure out it's problem. It's not edible at all and it makes a strange noise. I'm sending it to you via US Postal Service to analyze it. Send it to that shit-hole Akron for analysis if you must.

I expect a detailed report ASAP!

Yours in Corn,

Buford T. Justice

1 comment:

Albert & Buford Husker said...

For those of you wondering, 'tis a vibrator, it 'tis.